Tatool - Training and Testing Tool If you need more information about changes check out our ticket system on: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/tatool/tickets Release 1.3.2 Date: 12.01.2013 ----------- Release includes bugfixes and minor improvements for the Tatool Client and Tatool Online. IMPORTANT: - Tatool Online has to be updated as well in order to work with the new 1.3.2 client #38 Fix issue where LevelHandler had problems when used as a handler for CompoundElements #41 Extend existing test framework to allow automated testing of module xml files #42 UserFeedbackLevelListener is i18n now #43 Assignment of IDs in module XML file has been reworked and simplified, only id attribute is required now #44 TemporalListSelector timeout check #45 DailyModuleScheduler now uses he newly created sessionCompleted flag to detect completed sessions #46 Implemented maxSessions module property to allow configuration via module XML file #47 Compressing export data before uploading it to Tatool Online #48 Removing duplicate slf4j dependency warning and implement logging framework where every project can use its own log4j.properties #49 Improve error logging for data export via Tatool Online #50 Implement workaround for Mac OS X and Java 7 bug where fullscreen does not respond to keyboard input Release 1.3.1 Date: 24.11.2012 ----------- Major release including updated dependencies and improvements of error handling for the Tatool client and Tatool Online. IMPORTANT: - Users created with Tatool versions prior to 1.3 will not work with 1.3 because of applied changes in the database structure. - Tatool Online now requires at least PHP 5.3. #9 Fix registeredPointsAndLevelHandlers property to allow Tatool online to properly display all level handler data on the group overview page #25 Module download does now show proper error message when download limit exceeded #26 Made sure Tatool Demo and other Tatool applications differ in name #27 Updated library dependencies to latest versions. This includes latest HSQLDB 2.9, Spring 3.1.3, Hibernate 4.1.8. #28 Cancelling a Session abnormally now sets a separate flag and is no longer done via session end time. #30 Fixed upload of Module Data always leads to inserts even though no change has happened. #31 Display proper error message when existing module file can't be opened with current Tatool version #32 The download/upload flag should only be set after successful tries #33 Download of Module from Tatool Online should only be possible with correct codebase #34 Fixed Download of Module Data from Tatool Online #35 Allow setting for "last upload notification" on module level in Tatool Online #36 Allow to enter Start and End dates for every subject by module #37 Introduced version attribute for Tatool in order to not allow the use of old user accounts with new Tatool version if not supported Release 1.2.1 Date: 22.10.2012 ----------- Minor release including bugfixes to the Tatool main application and improvements to the Tatool Online version. #16  Missing img folder in Tatool Online Release #17  Fix division by zero bugs in Tatool Online #18  New Selector: SessionListSelector #19 Fix issue with TimerListSelector #20  Double dependencies in QuestionnaireExecutable #21  Fix issue with MatrixPanel on Mac #22  Dropouts cannot be edited or deleted in Tatool Online #23  Support PHP 5.4 #24  Fix issue with Tatool Test Framework SwingModuleRunner, where access to module after test finishes is no longer possible. Release 1.2 Date: 05.06.2012 ----------- Latest Release of Tatool which includes the deployment of the artifacts to the Maven Central repository and some minor bugfixes. #11 Splashscreen shows wrong version #12 Module file error handling #13 CSV Export should be locale dependent #14 Disable Tatool "Start Module" button if session is running #15 Deploy tatool artifacts to Maven Central Release 1.1 Date: 10.03.2012 ----------- Latest Release of Tatool which includes the all new Tatool Online and some minor bugfixes. #1 Fix issue where Tatool Online Dialog would not disappear #2 Release of Tatool Online #3 Fix issue with session index not properly incrementing within module #4 KeyEventHandler refactoring #5 Improve default ID assignment for Tatool Elements #6 rootElement becomes moduleHierarchy in module XML #7 Improve ScoreAndLevelHandler isCompoundDone() method for all possible module hierarchies #8 Fix Error in JavaDoc Release 1.0 Date: 01.01.2012 ----------- First Release of Tatool. Find all the features on www.tatool.ch.