- Features
- Basic architecture
- How to get started
- Programming executables and handlers
- Database, data access and export
- Module XML files
- Building and distributing Tatool applications
- Using Tatool Online
- Recommended resources for learning Java

Follow these three steps to get started:
1. Install JDK 8, see instruction

2. Install the Spring Tool Suite (STS), see instruction

3. Download the Examples Project 1.3.2 (zip-archive) and import it to STS, see instruction

Tutorial 1: Set-up the Eclipse environment with Maven (requires STS installation)
Tutorial 2: Run the example project (requires STS installation)
Tutorial 3: Distribution of a Tatool application as an executable Jar (requires STS installation)
Tutorial 4: Distribution of a Tatool application as Java Web Start application (requires STS installation)
Tutorial 5: Create an Executable
Tutorial 6: Create a Module XML file